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Individual Donation Levels

As a private non-profit, the Millicent Rogers Museum relies in large part on contributions from individuals. Your tax-deductible gift will benefit the Museums operational funds as well as the Arts & Education program. In addition to a cash donation, there are several ways that you can help/support the Museum:  

Outright Gifts by check or credit card:  We are happy to set up a payment schedule if that fits your needs.  If your employer has a matching gift program, please let us know.

Stocks may be given as charitable contribution by transferring stock to the Millicent Rogers Museum.  You may ask your broker to contact us to arrange your donation.

Charitable Lead Trusts, Charitable Remainder Trusts, and Retained Life Estates are strategies that can be tailored to your specific tax needs. Contact us or speak with your estate planner.

Gifts in Honor or in Memory: Gifts can be made to honor a loved one or commemorate the life of a family member or special friend.

Donate online


Corporate Underwriting Opportunities


Sponsors will receive recognition at Museum functions and on the MRM website.

  • MRM Community Days: Help the MRM by sponsoring our annual free community day events.
  • Arts & Culture Education Program: At the core of the MRM’s mission is education.  The ever expanding program introduces the children of the community to the Museum and the arts of northern New Mexico and provides hands on activities.
  • Annual Lecture Series: The Museum’s lecture series are a part of the adult education program bringing local and regional artists, craftsmen, and historians to speak about the arts and cultures of the Southwest. 
  • Annual Turquoise Ball: This exciting event is the Museum’s largest fundraiser of the year.  By underwriting the cost of the Ball, you help ensure that the profit from ticket sales and the auction goes directly to the Museum’s operating costs and programs.


Capital Brick Campaign

Your personalized brick(s) can commemorate your family or a loved one, a business, or any special occasion.  It will be placed in our beautiful new front portal to become an enduring recognition of your support of the Millicent Rogers Museum.